An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Holderness School Exhibit Explores Intersection of Art, Math and Science

  • Jay London

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Elephant hide paper and hand-blown glass. Photo: Erik and Martin Demaine.
This piece incorporates elephant hide paper and hand-blown glass. Photo: Erik and Martin Demaine.

MIT's father-son team of math artists—computer science professor Dr. Erik Demaine and Artist-In-Residence Martin Demaine—explore the nuances of geometry via origami paper-craft. In a collaborative exhibit with glass artist Shandra McLane at the Holderness School, the Demaines will showcase their latest works. The exhibit, which is titled "Intersection," celebrates the convergence between math, art, and science.

The Demaines' study of computational origami has influenced their research on other folding structures, from protein folding to industrial applications like sheet-metal bending, packaging, and air-bag folding. Like their co-exhibitor Shandra McLane, the Demaines also work with blown glass. Last June, the pair spoke at the GlassBoston Conference, an event co-sponsored by the MIT Glass Lab, about both paper-craft and glass blowing.

The opening reception for "Intersection" is today at 6:30 p.m. The exhibit will be on display at the Edwards Art Gallery at the Holderness School through October 26, 2013. The exhibit features original work by all three artists, as well as collaborative pieces by the trio.

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