An MIT Alumni Association Publication
Chancellor Eric Grimson presents the James N. Murphy Award to Robert Ferrara ’67, senior director in the Division of Student Life. Photo: Justin Knight
Chancellor Eric Grimson presents the James N. Murphy Award to Robert Ferrara ’67. Photo: Justin Knight

Guest Blogger: Stephanie Keeler, Office of the Dean for Student Life

In 1967, MIT senior Bob Ferrara received the Karl Taylor Compton Prize, the Institute’s highest award for students in recognition of “excellent achievements in citizenship and devotion to MIT.”

At the same event 45 years later, Ferrara '67 stepped up to the podium again—this time to receive another Institute-wide honor for community service, the James N. Murphy Award. This time, however, he was senior director in the Office of the Dean for Student Life. Nearly half a century from his graduation, Ferrara continues to leave his mark on the Institute, particularly in support of MIT's fraternities, sororities, and independent living groups.

Ferrara still has his Compton tea set.
Ferrara still has his Compton tea set.

Back in 1967, Compton Prize winners received a pewter tea set, which was appropriate to the formality of the times. This year, President Susan Hockfield presented the 2012 honorees—graduate student Patrick Barragan ’08 and undergraduates Paul Kominers ’12 and Gordon Wintrob ’12—with an inscribed pewter bowl.

“I’m thrilled to hear about the contributions of the recipients every year,” said Ferrara. “These are great people and it’s a privilege to be linked with them in the same tradition. Who knows, maybe they’ll also get to stand at the ceremony in the future to continue the legacy.”

See the full list of 2012 Awards Convocation recipients and photo gallery.

Who was Karl Taylor Compton?