An MIT Alumni Association Publication
After 1,193 posts over three years, five months, and one day, the Slice of MIT blog is celebrating its one millionth page view. During that time, we’ve covered visits to MIT by Lady Gaga and, a $40,000 cup of coffee, a banana piano, a catalog of hacks, and all things surprising, insightful, and quirky from MIT.

Our most popular and milestone posts are listed below, plus "Editor's Choice" picks from Slice staff.

Do you have a favorite Slice story? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook.

Ten Most Popular Posts (Total views as of June 13, 2012) 10. "'Smoot' Enters the Dictionary" (6,170 views) 9. "What’s It Like To Be 75 Years Old? Try This On." (8,304 views) 8. "Richard Feynman: Still Lively on Scribd" (8,847 views) 7. "No. 1: MIT Ranks at the Top" (10,386 views) 6. "Staying Healthy Thanks to MIT Medical" (13,582 views) 5. "Gen. Petraeus Commissions His Son and 11 Other ’09 Graduates" (14,787 views) 4. "1948 Mayor to MIT: Use Flamethrowers to Melt Snow?" (28,151 views) 3. "Slice of MIT…Anyone Have a Slice of Cheese?" (34,134 views) 2. "Renewable Energy: Paper Tiger or Green Giant?" (44,587 views) 1. "Hmmm Chocolate....Science" (67,443 views)

Milestone Posts First post: "Grab a Slice of MIT" (Jan. 13, 2009) 50th post: "Test the Next Big Thing in Instant Messaging" (Mar. 18, 2009) 100th post: "Crossword: How Well Do You Know MIT?" (Apr. 25, 2009) 500th post: "Repairing Kendall Band–the Video" (May 19, 2010) 1000th post: "Angry Birds Catapult to Life at MIT" (Nov. 15, 2011)

Editor’s Choice Selections Nancy Duvergne Smith "How MIThenge Got Its Start" "Arrrrr! MIT Pirates Certified"

Amy Marcott "Four Sloanies Take On a Daily Show Correspondent" "The Rings that Return to Their Masters"

Jay London "When Linsanity Reigned Over MIT" "What If a Highway Ran Through the Infinite Corridor?"

Check out guest blogs by Professor Patrick Henry Winston '65, SM '67, PhD '70, and view the photos of the week by Owen Franken '68. Thank you for reading. Here’s to a million more views (tentatively scheduled for spring 2015)!


Hemendra Kumar Saini

Sun, 09/23/2012 7:14am

though being outsider of mit, i just want congratulate on your feat.