An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Blogosphere--Freakonomics, TED, digital snoop tips

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith
  • 1

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Economist Steven D. Levitt PhD '94 added this Daily Bleg to his New York Times Freakonomics blog: A Way to Show Employers What You Can Do Before You Get the Job. MIT Media Lab grad student Pranav Mistry '08 and colleagues dazzled folks at TED with a wearable computing system that turns any surface into an interactive display screen. "Voodoo Correlations in Social Neuroscience," a paper posted online by grad student Ed Vul about his work with MIT neuroscientist Nancy Kanwisher '80, PhD '86, created an online debate before the formal journal publication. Buff up your detective skills with 50 Useful Open Courseware Links for Private Eyes & Digital Snoops, posted by the e-Justice Blog. Tufts Professor and policy maven Kathleen A. Merrigan PhD '00 has been nominated for the #2 position in the USDA by the Obama administration.

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Wed, 04/15/2009 5:41pm

mm.. amazing.