Arts at MIT Portal Showcases Multiple Dimensions
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Art, especially at MIT, doesn’t exist in a single plane or dimension. The new Arts at MIT portal offers online experiences that begin to approach those multiple dimensions. The website provides graphically exciting images—see Design—and tastes of works—see the Student Live Performer Sampler—all nested among myriad links to arts activities and venues on campus.
Showcase points to special MIT 150 arts festivals and performances as well as special sections on formats such as Movement, Sound, and Language.
News offers press clips as well a budding arts blog and video section offering an interview with Professor Evan Ziporyn at Carnegie Hall describing how his immersion in Balinese music and culture in his early 20s influenced his compositions and performances for a lifetime plus links to MIT World and Tech TV arts videos.
The Galleries section leads you to the obvious—MIT Museum, List Visual Arts Center—but also to less obvious locales such as the Koch Institute Gallery, Media Lab Galleries, and the Wolk Gallery.
Under Visit, you’ll find calendars, events, and venues—and you can even virtually visit MIT’s public art works with an interactive map with photos of each object.