Video: A Conversation with Associate Provost Krystyn Van Vliet PhD ’02
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Associate Provost Krystyn Van Vliet PhD ’02 joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering as a faculty member in 2004, received a dual appointment to the Department of Biological Engineering in 2011, and was named associate provost in 2017.
In this MIT Alumni Association Faculty Forum Online webcast from May 2020, Van Vliet discussed her latest work, how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected MIT students and research, and answered questions from alumni participants in the interactive forum.
“Maybe my favorite thing at MIT is the research groups,” Van Vliet says. “I love working with folks in the lab, whether they are undergrads doing their first research project, to experienced research scientists who have worked for over a decade, and all of the graduate and student learning in between.”
As associate provost, Professor Van Vliet’s responsibilities include space management, non-federal research and education sponsors, and technology transfer. In the lab, her group studies material chemomechanics—material behavior at the interface of mechanics, chemistry, physics, and biology. Learn more about Van Vliet and her research in a profile on MIT News.
This webcast was moderated Pam Belluck, a 2008 MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellow and health science writer for the New York Times.
Learn more in the video above then watch more archived Faculty Forum Online webinars, and register for upcoming MIT Alumni Association virtual programming.