An MIT Alumni Association Publication
MIT10 alumni at the 2013 Alumni Leadership Awards.
MIT10 alumni at ALC 2013.

The work of alumni and volunteers has never been more important to the mission of MIT. At this year’s Alumni Leadership Conference, held September 19-20 on MIT campus, volunteers can reconnect with the Institute and learn new tools to support MIT and involve more volunteers.

Registration is open for ALC 2014 and the conference is open to experienced alumni and first-time volunteers. (A travel subsidy is available for MIT graduates from the past 10 years.)

Visit the ALC site to register, reserve a discounted rate at a campus-areas hotel, and view the updated schedule, which includes the annual Leadership Awards Celebration, ALC's crowning event that salutes the outstanding contributions of the 2014 MIT volunteer award winners.

During ALC weekend, attendees will have the opportunity to network and brainstorm with fellow alumni and take part in a schedule that already features more than 40 events and workshops, including addresses from MIT President L. Rafael Reif, current students, and prominent Institute faculty.

  • Reif
    MIT President L. Rafael Reif

    Professors Vladimir Bulovic and Fiona Murray will discuss innovation, entrepreneurial education, and the importance of a sustained connection with MIT.

  • Director of Digital Learning Sanjay Sarma and Professor Karen Willcox will present the final recommendations of President Reif’s Task Force on the Future of MIT Education.
  • Professor John A. Ochsendorf will share the Institute’s plans for the Main Group, MIT’s oldest buildings.
  • Students will share their experiences as a current-day MIT student in the Ted talks-inspired TIMtalks. ("Think. Inspire. Motivate.")
Share your ideas and post questions on the ALC-specific Facebook and Twitter accounts, and view campus photos on the Alumni Association’s Instagram page. Use the hashtag #mitalc to participate to connect with the online ALC conversation.

Last year’s conference featured more than 500 attendees from nearly 40 class years. Read a recap of the 2013 conference and check out Slice’s top 13 tweets of ALC 2013.