An MIT Alumni Association Publication
In geoparsing data scrape, this may shows places mentioned by bloggers.
This map shows the many places mentioned by bloggers.

Guest blogger: Chris Peterson, assistant director of Admissions

In early August, the blogs turned ten. We celebrated by asking a bunch of former bloggers to come back and blog for us. In case you missed it, here's an index of their entries:

These are, in my opinion, some of the best blogs that have ever been written for MIT Admissions. If I could assign reading to prospective students like I can assign it to my students, I would have any serious applicant read all of these. I feel like I have learned so much—about MIT, about myself—by doing so. The whole idea behind the blogs is to open a window into the lives of MIT students: what they do, think, and feel. These blog posts do a spectacular job at telling the many different stories of MIT as experienced by some of its most thoughtful students. I couldn't be prouder.

Read the full blog post and see the data about most popular entries.