An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Are You an Introvert? Use That to Power Your Career

  • Kate Repantis

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Interested in making a career change but don’t know how to start? Career Counselor Ellen Stahl sat down with Slice to talk about how the Alumni Association can help.

The Association's Career Guidance Hub offers resources to alumni considering a career change.
The Association's Career Guidance Hub offers resources to alumni considering a career change.

What new resources are available to alumni looking for work? Our new Pinterest Career Guidance Hub board is made up of curated articles, videos, and events tailored to the unique needs of MIT alumni considering a career change. We’re hoping the site’s wide range of resources—everything from leveraging your LinkedIn profiles to emotional intelligence—inspires alumni to take active steps towards fulfilling their future career goals. We update the board constantly, so alumni can find the latest career-focused information and suggest new topics.

Alumni now have free access to InterviewStream, an online, video-based platform that allows alumni to practice interviewing. They can select questions from over 7,000 choices in a range of fields to practice in a customized interview. The interview is recorded to allow users to review their mock interviews as well as gain external post-interview feedback.

This year we will host a Career Lunch & Learn webinar series. On November 14th, at 12:00 p.m. EST the Institute for Career Transitions’ Ofer Sharone (MIT Sloan School), will share his research and programs aimed at the crisis of long-term unemployment.

The Career Hub Pinterest Board includes a strong focus on the topic of introverts. Why? I think many alumni have a preference for introversion. That doesn’t mean that they are shy. Rather it’s how they take in information and how they process it. They need to be thinking internally to express externally.

The hub board includes a TED talk by Quiet author Susan Cain in which she notes that nearly half of Americans are introverted despite that extroversion is in high favor. We’re in a period where gregarious brainstorming sessions are seen as the only way to generate creative ideas. The more freedom we give to introverts to be themselves, the more likely they are to come up with great ideas,” says Cain. Introversion is a strength, and many of our hub’s resources address that.

Is networking still important for introverts, and how do they go about it? Attending a networking event is not something most introverts like to do. But it’s essential. Networking is a way to build new relationships with people in different career trajectories and create alliances. The hub board includes best practice guides for overcoming networking fears as an introvert. Practicing on InterviewStream can also help.

The latest studies show that the nearly 70 percent of job openings today are not even posted—it’s all word of mouth. If you are not talking to anybody, you are not going to be able to make that career transition you have always wanted to make. It’s important for introverts to push themselves outside of their comfort zones—the rewards can be great.

The Alumni Association offers career guidance for experienced alumni (18+ months after graduation) as they explore opportunities throughout their professional careers. Through such support job-seeking alumni gain insight into their individual skills, interests, values, and personality traits—key factors in choosing a career or profession. Schedule your appointment.

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