An MIT Alumni Association Publication

A New Tool to Navigate Your Career and Give Back

  • Kate Repantis
  • 2

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Giving and receiving career advice just got easier. This month, the Alumni Association launches the MIT Alumni Advisors Hub, a new online platform that connects students to alumni and alumni to fellow alumni for career conversations, resume critiques, and practice interviews.“Do you remember all of the people in your life that shaped your career path?” asked Ellen Stahl, program manager of the Association’s Alumni Career Services. “The Hub offers you a way to shape MIT students and other alumni in the same way.” MIT students were asked to write down advice they would seek of alumni. Here's one of the questions that resulted.After completing the brief online sign-up process, alumni advisors can speak with students curious about their future job prospects, recent graduates entering the workforce, or other alumni exploring a mid-career change. Alumni advisors pre-select the topics that they are interested in discussing with an advisee, and sessions can range from 30 minutes to an hour. The Hub automatically confirms scheduling with students once advisees enter their availability. All contact is made through the Hub, and participants can login from anywhere. How would you answer this question from an MIT student?“I often hear from alumni eager for a meaningful way to connect with students, but unable to make the trek back to Cambridge,” said Stahl. “The Hub offers an easy way for alumni to impact students’ life during and after MIT, and they can do it from anywhere.”For students and alumni advice seekers, the Hub is a place to gain an insider perspective from someone who also walked the Infinite Corridor and understands the unique sensibility of the MIT community. They can learn ways to avoid common career pitfalls in a chosen field and better prepare for job interviews.Sign up for the MIT Alumni Advisors Hub.

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Sandy Harlow

Wed, 06/14/2017 1:07pm

The new MIT Alumni Advisors Hub sounds like a great idea that will benefit both students and alumni. Congratulations to all involved!

Kate Repantis

Mon, 06/19/2017 11:24am

It certainly is Sandy! Hope you are able to sign up and share your valuable wisdom with other alumni and students here:

In reply to by Sandy Harlow