An MIT Alumni Association Publication

"Maker of Anything" Hosts Reddit Ask Me Anything

  • Kate Repantis

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Update: Read all questions and Brian's answers to the concluded Reddit Ask Me Anything here.

Are you an aspiring maker? Curious about 3D printing or want advice on getting your own designs off the ground? Get your questions answered by Brian Chan ’02, SM ’04, PhD ‘09, an origami master whose website tagline is “maker of anything,” in today’s Reddit Ask Me Anything (IAmA) at 4:00 p.m. EST. Visit this page now and post your questions.

About Brian Chan Brian Chan, a lecturer at MIT’s Hobby Shop, entrepreneur, and freelance engineer, has more than 20 years of experience as an artist and craftsperson. Known for his work in creating award-winning, original origami designs, he’s on a new mission: dispel some of the hype around 3D printing and encourage fans to gain a deeper understanding of design principals.

Chan has channeled his childhood interest in bugs and anthropods—ask him about his three pet crayfish—into a business selling 3D-printed crustaceans, sea turtles, beetles, and venus comb murexes. “My 3D articulated crustaceans are a way to celebrate the awesomeness of their real counterparts,” he said in a recent Shapeways article.

Chan folded the MIT mascot for an MIT origami competition
Chan folded the MIT mascot for an MIT origami competition

Chan is also combining his skillset in 3D printing with bladesmithing and blacksmithing experience in designing costume armor. His design focus on nature has given him a new perspective on designing science fiction costumes like Iron Man. “Articulated armor has a lot in common with insect exoskeletons!” he said in Shapeways. He’s currently building a custom filament-based printer with hopes of printing an affordable and complete armor suit out of nylon.

Chan (right) in an Iron Man costume with Groot, a life form from outerspace
Chan (right) in an Iron Man costume with Groot, a life form from outerspace

He designs and builds foldable music instruments like the ukulele and traditional Japanese Shamisen instrument as well.

How do I participate in the IAmA? In order to ask questions or vote on questions you would like answered, you will need to log in to Reddit or set up an account. Then follow these four easy steps:

1. Click on the link we’ll be posting on this page and social media. You can also look on the page and click on the link that way once the IAmA goes live at 4:00 p.m. EST.

2. Read what your fellow Redditers are asking. Like a question or want to ask your own? Click on the upvoting arrow to the left of the question. Questions with the most upvotes rise to the top of the page and are most likely to be answered.

Sea Turtle 3D modeled by Chan.
Sea Turtle 3D modeled by Chan.

3. Don’t see your question asked? Ask your own! At the top of the IAmA page directly below the introductory text, you’ll see a blank box. Type your question, and click save. It will automatically appear in the thread and the community can upvote the question if they like it.

4. What do I ask? Anything at all. Check out the text of Brian’s bio for more information about his background and to get you thinking about good questions to ask.

*Please note: Reddit hosts both IAmA’s and AMA’s. Brian Chan will be participating in an IAmA—I am a maker of anything, ask me anything.


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