An MIT Alumni Association Publication
Update: Watch the archived broadcast.

Noam Chomsky interview webcast MIT MIT alumni can ask live questions
during the Jan. 20 webcast.

On January 20, 2015, at noon EST, Institute Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky—the longtime political activist and founder the field of modern linguistics—discussed his career and took live questions from the MIT community in a Faculty Forum Online webcast. Chomsky also discussed the Chomsky Archive, an MIT Libraries project to preserve and digitize the lectures, personal papers, and materials he has donated to the Institute Archives and Special Collections.

Known as the “father of modern linguistics,” Chomsky shaped the linguistics field around the profound question, “What does language reveal about the nature of knowledge?” One of the world's most-cited living scholars, he has authored more than 100 books and his political commentaries have sparked controversy and conversation for more than 50 years.

About Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky interview webcast MIT
Noam Chomsky

Known as the “father of modern linguistics,” Institute Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky shaped the linguistics field around the profound question, “What does language reveal about the nature of knowledge?” Chomsky joined the MIT faculty in 1955 and was appointed Institute Professor in 1976.

Chomsky has authored more than 100 books on language and politics and is one of the world’s most-cited living scholars.

His well-known political beliefs have made him a significant figure in public activism, particularly on issues like capitalism and foreign policy.

Chomsky in the Press

The Chomsky Videos, YouTube Noam Chomsky Official Website The Chomsky Archives, MIT Libraries “MIT Libraries receive papers of distinguished linguist, philosopher and activist Noam Chomsky,” MIT News “Unboxing the Chomsky Archive,” MIT News “Chomsky on Russia: ‘The worst-case scenario, of course, would be a nuclear war,’” Salon Interview with Noam Chomsky on the Crisis in Central America and Mexico,” The Nation @chomsky_quotes, a collection of Noam Chomsky quotes on Twitter


Anton Fukalov

Mon, 02/02/2015 6:34am

Dear Professor!
I am a post-graduate student from Russia, from the Vyatka State Humanitarian University, intends to participate in the program of the FulBright. I've heard about you. Could you take me to him, if I successfully received a grant? My theme: "The power and genius," I want to analyze Western society, American institutions, decause it is a brilliant place in the world map.

Gerhard Heise

Thu, 01/22/2015 3:00pm

hope I can see his life webcast again and again any time!