An MIT Alumni Association Publication

A Preview of SXSW in Tweets

  • Kate Repantis

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Can't attend SXSW Interactive this week? By our count, more than a hundred alumni are presenting at this year's conference, and four alumni joined us for last week's #MITAlum SXSW Preview Twitter chat, co-sponsored by MIT's Comparative Media Studies/Writing Department.

Sam Ford SM '07 tweeted about the paid editing conundrum on Wikipedia, and Geoffrey Long SM '07 tweeted his predictions on how virtual reality will impact storytelling. Denise Cheng SM '14 and Matt Stempeck SM '13 discussed how reputation management and online rating systems are changing the market and free speech. Check out the conversation recapped in tweets below.

Keepin' It Real At their March 13th talk "The Real Risks of "Keepin' It Real" Cheng and Stempeck addressed how the share economy is bringing issues of credibility to the forefront. They previewed key points with us on Twitter.







Storytelling of the Future Geoffrey Long SM '07 gave his predictions for the future of storytelling. His talk "Storytelling with the New Screens" was held on Sunday, March 15.



Wikipedia Sam Ford SM '07 discussed the conflict-of-interest policies that Wikipedia has in place and how they are thawing the once icy relationship between PR executives and Wikipedians. His "Getting Past 'Gotcha'" talk was on March 13.


Free Speech and Anonymity We also explored how reputation management brings up questions of free speech.

And connections were made...

Follow MIT Alumni's Twitter channel all week for additional on-the-ground updates from SXSW. Check out the MIT CMS/W complete Storify of the chat. 


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