An MIT Alumni Association Publication

MIT Twitter Fest: News Bursts from Campus

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith
  • 2

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Lots of MIT fingers are tweeting news from campus these days. In fact, there is a growing list of more than 50 Twitter pages hailing from MIT, thanks to the compilation efforts of Sloan online guru Sean Brown. Here is a sample:

MIT150 Exhbit—see rolling comments on the objects under consideration for the 150th celebration show in 2011.

Aero/Astro—get flight, space, and humans-in-orbit news.

Alumni Association—daily bits of alumni and Institute news.mitaa twitter page

Comparative Media Studies – glimpses of cutting-edge media.

Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation—read about inventions and innovators.

Engineering Systems Division—faculty news about big-picture engineering.

Gambit Game Lab—updates on online game work from the Singapore-MIT project.

Media Lab—tips from new media medicine to Patti Maes interviews.

News Office—the latest from the official Institute source.

Sloan Alumni—updates on research and alumni news.

Sloan Executive Education—management tips, faculty news, webcasts

Sloan Management Review—management tips from across the media.

MIT TechTV—what’s new on the campus tube.

Technology Review—multiple daily tweets about the future of technology.

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Wed, 10/21/2009 11:19am

That's great! Are you gathering MIT blogs by chance? I'd love to do a post about that.


Alex Sherstinsky

Mon, 10/19/2009 2:42pm


I am an alum, developing a Twitter lists feature. I assembled most of the above Twitter resources into my "MIT" list using our software:

Thank you,