An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Alumnus Astronaut Discusses Pouches, Potties, and "Powdered Things"

  • Amy Marcott
  • 2

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Mike Fincke ’89 dives for a blob of orange juice. Credit: NASAMike Fincke ’89 has appeared in Slicenumerous times. There was the time he and his colleagues on the International Space Station (ISS) received a phone call from President Obama. And the time he placed a call (from space) to tell a fellow alum about his enthusiasm for this blog.Today, we have another video of Fincke. This one he made aboard the ISS, and it features him giving a tour of the station and showing his tiny bedroom, toilet, and other modules. Check out the food demonstration five minutes in—there's entertaining footage of Fincke eating a can of fish and big blobs of OJ.[vodpod id=Video.4526915&w=425&h=350&fv=allowFullScreen%3Dtrue%26bgcolor%3D%23000000%26autoPlay%3Dfalse%26]Stay tuned for more coverage of Fincke. This summer, he and alumnus Greg Chamitoff will be back at the ISS on shuttle mission STS-134.

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lch-MIT Sloan Alumna

Sat, 01/30/2010 10:10am

Fantastic! I've always wanted to see inside the ISS Space Station. Thank you for taking me there!

John R

Wed, 01/27/2010 8:36pm

Met your charming wife and kids, and watched you suit up and lift off while in Baikonur in Oct. 08 with an MIT alumni group. Then watched you dock and enter the ISS while at Mission Control in Moscow. From all of us in the group....a hearty "WELL DONE!"