An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Disruptive Demographics: Aging and Innovation

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith
  • 1

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Joe Coughlin, Dr. Oz, and MIT AgeLab student Katii Gullick ‘12 as AGNES on the Dr. Oz Show set in New York City

Joe Coughlin, director of the MIT AgeLab, seems to be everywhere. A frequent speaker on how older people can live happier, healthier lives, he also contributes regularly to his blog, Disruptive Demographics: Global Aging, Technology, & Innovation.

In recent weeks, Coughlin has commented on aging and marathon running, financial advice and longevity, online dating for elders, privacy vs. new technologies, and, on the Dr. Oz Show, how to make old age fun. Check out these recent posts:

Aging Baby Boomers & Four Possible Futures for the Real Estate Industry

Last week the MIT Center for Real Estate convened the MIT 2011 Real Estate Symposium.…I offered four observations on how the disruptive demographics of aging baby boomers may impact the future of the real estate industry.

(1) It’s a Small World After All….

Do We Have a Technology Gap or Innovation Gap in Meeting the Future Demands of Older Baby Boomers?

…. In this [video] clip produced by AARP and The Atlantic Monthly.... I propose that we now need to shift the discussion from technology and aging, to innovations in living. We must first define how we want to live tomorrow—and then engineer the technology to make that vision a reality….

The New Look of Old Age & What It May Mean for Business Innovation

Cheryl Tiegs then and now.

…There is a new look to old age emerging that is beyond the magazine covers marking boomer birthdays and products aimed solely at the 50-plus. It is ubiquitous, aspirational and international. And it may be changing more than public attitudes, overtime it may be a critical element convincing businesses who think they are not in the 'older consumer market' to take a new approach to old age….

Learn about AGNES, the MIT AgeLab jumpsuit that reproduces the experience of living in an elderly body.

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Thu, 05/26/2011 8:28am

Wow so interesting makes the rest of us women think there might be hope.