An MIT Alumni Association Publication
The baby grand piano, before its demise

By all accounts, the Baker House Piano Drop–the hack-like tradition that coincides with the last day students can drop classes during the semester–was a smash.

This year’s drop marks the 40-year anniversary of the event, which first took place in 1972, occurred sporadically in the 1980s and 1990s, and became an annual tradition in 2005. About 200 spectators watched a piano tossed from the roof of the Baker House onto another piano six stories below.

The drop occurred over an enclosed section of lawn on the Memorial Drive side of Baker House. Shortly after the drop, spectators scrambled for souvenirs, including keys, hammers, and strings.

Piano lovers can breathe easy; no playable ivories were harmed in the piano-on-piano violence.

From The Boston Globe:

The search for keepsakes

“The pianos find us,’’ said Michael Plasmeier, the current Baker House president, sitting in the dorm lobby on a recent day.

This year, he said, the dorm was contacted by a donor who had five baby grands ready for the junkyard. The man was happy to provide the pianos, as long as the students took all five off his hands, even though they require only one.

In MIT terminology, the six-floor piano drop is referred to as a “Bruno,” named after Charles Bruno ’74, who heaved the first piano off the Baker roof in 1972. In official Institute jargon, a Bruno is “a unit of volume resulting from a piano falling six stories onto Amherst Alley from the roof of the Baker House.”

Thomas Moriarty '14 and Connor Humber '15 celebrate their souvenirs.

If you're curious about the exact distance of a Bruno, you're in luck. Professor and Slice contributor Patrick Henry Winston ’65, SM ’67, PhD ’70 did the calculations.

Caesar had the Ides of March. We have Drop Day. I always wondered how tall Baker House is, so I joined the throng on Memorial Drive, recorded my data, and reached back into 8.01:

s = 1/2 at2 a = 32.2 ft / sec2 61 frames at 30 frames/sec = 2.03 sec t2 = (2.03 sec)2 = 4.12 sec2

Voila! 66 feet.



Sun, 10/19/2014 1:53pm

I have not heard a peep asbout any pumpkin drop at MIT for this year, 2014 !!!

Can anybody tell me if there will be ( has been )one ?


Tue, 08/19/2014 1:49pm

Can you please tell me if and when the next piano drop will be held at MIT ?

I believe that the last one was on October 25, 2013.

Thanks, Bob


Fri, 11/28/2014 12:16pm

We are planning a piano drop of about 50 feet onto a gravel parking lot.
Should we be concrned about anyone standing approximately 40 feet from impact spot?
ie we have safety concerns.

Bruce Guelden
Fron Winters, California.

Piano owner

Mon, 10/27/2014 2:40am

Wow, how can I get there to take part in next drop???

Nicole Morell

Tue, 10/21/2014 9:12am

Hi Robert,
Baker will not be doing a fall drop this year but the next drop is scheduled for April 23, 2015.

In reply to by Robert


Mon, 10/13/2014 5:46pm

Well then, how about a pumpkin drop this year, 2014...Bob

Nicole Morell

Tue, 08/26/2014 4:17pm

Hi Bob,

Sorry for the delay in responding. Baker will not be doing a fall drop this year but the next drop is scheduled fro April 23, 2015.

In reply to by Robert

Jingtao Liu

Tue, 10/22/2013 4:31am


Joseph Gionta

Fri, 04/27/2012 6:42pm

Glad to see the tradition lives on. I was happy to be a part of the re-birth in 2005! Congrats Martijn and Deebs and Tom on reigniting this tradition