An MIT Alumni Association Publication
More than 400 Institute volunteers returned to campus for the 2012 Alumni Leadership Conference (ALC). The conference  gave attendees a first-hand look at MIT’s vision for the future of higher education, celebrated an MIT presidential inauguration, and honored the Institute's most dedicated volunteers.

Throughout the two-day conference, staff, alumni, and volunteers used Twitter to offer opinions, pose questions, share photos, and connect with peers. In total, 63 Twitter handles—using the conference-specific #mitalc hashtag—tweeted or retweeted more than 400 messages.

A sample of ALC tweets is below. Visit the ALC Storify page for a comprehensive list of the weekend's best tweets.

The conference was highlighted by the inauguration of President L. Rafael Reif—the first time an inaugural ceremony coincided with ALC.
The two-part “Inaugural Celebration Symposium: The Future of Education,” held in the near-capacity Kresge Auditorium, discussed recent changes in higher education.
Attendees—and non-attendees—used Twitter to communicate throughout the conference.

For more photos from networking sessions and the Alumni Leadership Awards, plus more ALC tweets, check out the ALC Storify page. Visit the ALC website for a photo gallery, as well as videos and PDFs from select presentations.

And don’t forget to save the date for next year’s ALC: September 27-28, 2013.



Mon, 10/08/2012 6:36am

That was awesome and my Best wishes with MIT for their future programes