An MIT Alumni Association Publication
In case you haven’t noticed the commercials and advertisements from candidates and PACs—not to mention campaign speeches—Election Day is approaching.

Listed below are recent MIT-related items from faculty, researchers, and alumni that relate to the U.S. presidential campaign. Topics include a visit to campus from reps of President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, mobile apps that clarify ad rhetoric, the intricacies of the U.S. voting system, and faculty opinions on the candidates.

Have you noticed any other MIT-related election stories? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, and we'll add them to our list through Election Day.



Thu, 11/01/2012 1:32pm

It took BO 7 days to visit Joplin, MO after a tornado wiped out half the town and killed 120 people.

It took BO 14 days to visit the gulf coast after the BP oil spill.

BO declined to visit historic 2010 “1000 year floods:.

BO ignored Texas wildfires when over 400 homes were lost.

And, of course, BO IGNORED the calls and emails for help from Benghazi…

But it took BO only one day to visit the hurricane Sandy damage on the East Coast..

Then again there’s an election coming up In a few days.