From Shrinking Pencil to Growing Plant
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While discarded pencils may not be among the world's most pressing issues, it got a group of MIT researchers wondering: Can pencils play a role in the eco-friendly office of the future?
That question eventually germinated into Sprout, a cedar-body pencil that can be planted in soil and grown into flowers, herbs, or vegetables.
From Sprout—a pencil with a seed:Created by the MIT design collaborative Democratech, Sprout's 20-plus flavors include eggplant, mint, forget-me-not, and jalapeño. The team includes Mario Bollini '09, SM '12; Lauren Hernley '11; Steven Keating SM '12; Benjamin Judge '11, MNG '12; and Benjamin Peters '11."Sprout is a high quality cedar pencil with a water-activated seed capsule at the tip. When the seed capsule is exposed to moisture it begins to degrade, releasing the seeds within Sprout and starting its germination.
We designed Sprout around a high quality Ticonderoga cedar pencil body. It's a great writing experience. And it smells really nice too."
The group's Kickstarter campaign, which ended in the fall, had more than 2,000 backers and earned more than 150 percent of its original fundraising goal. named it one of the best Massachusetts Kickstarter campaigns in 2012.
The pencils do have their limitations. They lack an eraser and avid pencil-chewers can prematurely trigger the seed capsule. (Don’t worry—the led-free pencils are entirely non-toxic.) And while the pencil's shaft does not dissolve, it can remain in the soil as a planting marker.
Democratech already shipped more than 9,000 Sprouts to its Kickstarter backers and is currently taking wholesale orders. The group plans to eventually offer single-package retail ordering, with a long-term goal of a colored pencil set where the color of the flower matches the color of the pencil.
Terri Burnette
Sat, 09/19/2015 6:12pm
How do I purchase these pencils in the US for my classroom. We are a STEAM elementary school and I think this will be an awesome STEAM project for my students. We have a garden and green house at our school so I know they will love growing them and transplanting them into the garden. Please let me know so I can do this with my students this year. I will be purchasing these with my own money so I am hoping they don't cost to much.
Lars Wiberg
Mon, 01/14/2013 8:13am
Hi Seed Folk,
How about an optional extra consisting of a real separate eraser but with its collar that slips over the pencil impregnated with fertilizer? Your seeds deserve the finest in TLC.
Best - - Lars Wiberg