Infinite Connection User ID Request

If you do not know what your user ID number is AND you meet the eligibility requirements for an Infinite Connection account, please fill out the form below and you will receive a response within one business day. Students in a degree-granting program, remember MIT knows you by the name which appears on your MIT transcript.

Note to MITx MicroMasters participants
If you have not completed the MITx MicroMasters program, then please complete the program first. If you have just recently completed the MITx MicroMasters program, you will need to wait until the MITx MicroMasters office releases your information to the Alumni Association and notifies you by email that you can create your Infinite Connection account. Please contact the MITx MicroMasters office at if you have any questions.

If you are newly admitted student and you have not yet registered for classes, please wait for the start of your term before seeking to register for an Infinite Connection account.
OPTIONAL: Please provide any additional information to help us verify your identity. Examples include MIT living group, alumni volunteer activities, past gifts to MIT, etc.
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