MIT Technology Review

Our in-depth reporting reveals what’s going on now to prepare you for what’s coming next.

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To receive the print magazine, you must have provided an up-to-date postal address to the MIT Alumni Association. You can easily make updates to your address online in My Account.

How to Access Tech Review Online 

Technology Review has changed the process for MIT alumni with complimentary lifetime subscriptions like you to create an account. 

Creating your account is a three-step process that should only take a few moments:

  1. Visit the form at to create your account, entering your or any email you use regularly.
  2. Once your account is created, Technology Review will send you a verification email as a security check—just click the link in that email to confirm your account.
  3. After that, follow the instructions on screen to connect your Infinite Connection account. (Not sure what your Infinite Connection login details are? No problem. Visit the MIT Alumni Association website to confirm or create your new account. If you need further help, please contact for assistance.)

Already have an online account with Tech Review? Then connecting to your Infinite Connection is just a two-step process.

  1. Visit the form at to ensure that you’re signed into your account.
  2. Go to to connect your Infinite Connection account. (Not sure what your Infinite Connection login details are? No problem. Visit the MIT Alumni Association website to confirm or create your new account. If you need further help, please contact for assistance.)


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