Discounts and Offerings

Enjoy on-campus perks, rep MIT with gear from the Coop, explore discounts, and more!  Sign up for your MIT ID today to access perks.

Library Journal Access

Your Infinite Connection credentials enable you to access the library of journals available to current MIT students and faculty through JSTOR and EBSCO. 

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Campus Perks

Miss your favorite campus recreation center? No worries, MIT graduates are eligible for our alumnus/a memberships so that you can remain social and active with our fit community for as long as you would like. 

Use your ID card to take a tour of state-of-the-art fitness facilities. Learn more about the Z Center’s personal training, health and wellness consultations, fitness classes, pool access, massage therapy, and instructional talks. 

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Community Wellness at MIT Medical offers you free or low-cost programs, classes, and workshops. With MIT's unique culture in mind, MIT Medical provides resources and designs programs to help all members of the MIT community learn about making healthy choices.  

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The MIT Libraries encourage MIT alumni/ae to make use of the libraries during their visits to campus. Library hours and locations are available online.

Borrowing privileges

MIT alumni/ae may register for borrowing privileges by completing the Borrowing Privileges Registration form. Then after one business day, alumni who come to a Libraries’ information desk and present their MIT Alumni ID are eligible for borrowing privileges without charge. Please note that borrowing privileges do not extend to offsite electronic access, but many e-resources may be accessed on-site.

Please visit the MIT Libraries site for more information on visiting the MIT Libraries, including reference help, document delivery, and network access. 

Alumni can still enjoy access to MITAC events and discounts! Sign in using your Infinite Connection account or show your MIT alumni ID at the ticket office. 

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MAPFRE offer for alumni

Get great auto and home insurance coverage and save with an exclusive discount from MAPFRE Insurance. Start a free quote here.


Through LifeQuotes, 50 leading life insurers can provide MIT alums with lowest quotes on term life, whole life, or universal life. Compare life insurance rates in seconds.


The MIT COOP offers the largest selection of MIT apparel and gifts anywhere and is still the place to find your MIT gear and gifts! Alumni can join the MIT Coop for just $1 a year, which entitles you to discounts on all in-store and online purchases (except gift cards and digital content).  

Shop Online or visit Coop locations in the Stratton Student Center and in Kendall Square.  

MIT Alumni receive 10 percent off all online purchases through the MIT Press Bookstore website or our distributor Penguin Random House with the code MIT10. Shop online or in-person at 314 Main Street. Applies to print books and US mailing addresses only.

Continuing Education

Whether you’re seeking to acquire groundbreaking machine learning tools or cutting-edge design strategies, you can access the best of MIT research from the comfort of your home or office with MIT Professional Education. MIT alumni save 15% on courses. Learn More.

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MIT alumni are eligible to receive 15% discount off a verified track enrollment in any MITx online course offered on MITx courses on edX come directly from the MIT classroom and span the full breadth of our academic programs. You can enroll in a course and learn at no cost, or aim to earn a verified certificate of completion for a low fee.

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Learn valuable business and organization skills from senior MIT Sloan faculty. Business professionals and organizations from around the world can enroll in these non-degree executive programs—with a 20% discount for MIT alumni.

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Harvard Club of Boston

MIT alumni, students, and faculty are invited to join the Harvard Club of Boston community and experience the many benefits of membership, including members-only dining, a global reciprocal club network, intellectual and social programming with Harvard and MIT faculty, overnight rooms, event space, and more. Membership opportunities are available for Boston-area alumni and those who reside abroad or throughout the United States. Harvard Club members can access membership benefits from anywhere in the world, while always having a home base in Boston.  

Visit the club’s secure online membership application to register and read more information