Infinite Connection Registration for MIT Staff/Faculty

Infinite Connection Usage Guidelines

A strict adherence to the Infinite Connection Usage Guidelines is necessary for maintaining the privacy of our alumni. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a suspension of privileges.

  1. You will be assigned a username and password in order to access the Infinite Connection. Please do not give your login and password out to anyone. If someone asks you for Infinite Connection access, please have him/her contact
  2. All information in the Infinite Connection database is confidential. You have the responsibility for keeping it confidential.
  3. The information in the Infinite Connection database may only be used for official MIT business. This information is provided to you with the express understanding that it will not be used for commercial or philanthropic purposes not directly related to, or approved by, the Alumni Association. Contact if you have questions.
  4. The information in the database will not be copied, given, lent, or sold to any individual or company.


Once you have read the usage guidelines above, please complete the form below to request a staff Infinite Connection account.

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