Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with Duo

Two-factor authentication is a verification method that is widely used to add a layer of security to online accounts. It enhances the security of your account by using a secondary device (such as your mobile device) to verify your identity. This prevents anyone but you from accessing your account, even if they know your password. You will see the prompt to enable two-factor authentication when you log in to your Infinite Connection account


1.) What if I don't want to use the Duo mobile app?

You can view instructions here if you prefer not to download and use the Duo mobile app.

2.) Can I register multiple devices?

Yes, and this is recommended in case you lose access to your primary device. To register new devices, click "Other options" or "Manage devices" on the Duo prompt when logging in. You'll need to first verify yourself and then you'll be sent to the manage devices page, where you click "Add a device." 

3.) What do I do if my Duo enabled device is lost or stolen?

If you had previously enrolled a second authentication device you can use "My Settings & Devices" link on the Duo authentication prompt to delete your lost or stolen phone. Or you can contact

4.) I checked the "Remember me for 30 days" checkbox when I logged in previously, but it is already asking me to authenticate again.

The "Remember me for 30 days" is browser specific. If you had previously logged in using Chrome and are now using Firefox, it will ask you to the authenticate again. If you are using the same browser and you are prompted to authenticate again, it could be due to the cookie not being saved. If you have "Private Browsing" mode turned on or have disabled cookies, the Duo Login will appear every time. 
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: Currently users are not able to choose the option to “remember me for 30 days” when using Safari. This is a known issue with the Duo API that the Safari uses. Duo currently does not have an ETA on when this feature for Safari will be resolved at this time. 

If you have other questions please contact or 617-324-6458.