What is the Alumni Association Selection Committee (AASC)?
Who can vote?
All MIT alumni are eligible to vote in this election.
Why must I log in to the Infinite Connection to cast my vote online?
Since only MIT alumni may vote in this election, we must authenticate your alumni status. The ballot is posted on a secure part of the MIT Alumni Association site so that we can protect your vote’s privacy.
Why should I vote?
Your vote helps ensure that the Alumni Association’s future is shaped by experienced leaders who care about the global MIT alumni community.
What are the eligibility requirements and desirable attributes?
Current AASC members have demonstrated energetic dedication to MIT and its alumni and a desire to provide leadership on the multiple fronts of Association activity. Their record of service in Association activities is broad enough that they are familiar with the Association’s range of programs and strategic issues.
Candidates who met the following criteria were considered for the ballot:
How are AASC members elected?
Members of the AASC are elected at large in an annual ballot open to the entire alumni community. The election uses preferential voting, in which voters are asked to rank the candidates.
An electronic ballot will be available to the alumni community on February 1, and votes must be cast by February 28, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET. Newly elected members of the AASC will begin their terms at the start of the next academic year (July 1, 2025).
How did the candidates on this ballot get nominated?
The Alumni Association solicited nominations from all alumni worldwide. Alumni standing for election were nominated by your peers, including alumni volunteer leaders in clubs, classes, and affinity groups; members of the Board of Directors; and other committees, such as the Leadership Development Committee.
Alumni Association staff reviewed all nominations; those that met the AASC Eligibility Criteria described above were considered for the ballot. From the eligible nominees, the staff created a slate of candidates, seeking to represent the multidimensional diversity of our alumni community.
What is preferential voting?
The AASC election uses a preferential technique called single-transferable voting, a standard system for converting ranked ballots into multiple winners.
This form of voting works optimally when voters rank all or most candidates. The rankings determine which candidates you would like your votes transferred to if your favorite candidates already have enough votes or stand no chance of winning.
The single-transferable voting algorithm requires a “random” seed so that votes may be redistributed randomly, unbiasedly, and verifiably. To this end, the 2025 MIT Alumni Association Selection Committee Ballot will use 12345678 as the random seed.
I don’t know any of the candidates―should I still vote?
Yes! AASC members are elected at large by the entire alumni body. MIT alumni have a talent and skill in common: the ability to exercise their own independent judgment and come to their own conclusions. Review the candidates’ statements and record of MIT involvement and decide who you think best demonstrates strong leadership skills, familiarity with the programs and activities of the Association, and a commitment to the Association’s objectives of service to alumni and to the Institute.
Can I campaign for or encourage voting for a specific individual who is up for election?
Electioneering, campaigning, or soliciting votes on behalf of any candidate running on this ballot is not permitted. Further soliciting of opinions or statements from candidates is not permitted. For the avoidance of doubt, this also includes campaigning against, disparaging, or making negative statements or similar actions about any candidates on this ballot. Intentional and/or repeated incidents of electioneering, campaigning, or soliciting votes may result in the disqualification of a candidate.
We encourage individuals and alumni groups to share information about the election in general without highlighting any of the candidates individually or specifically.
When and where will the results of the election be posted?
The newly elected AASC members will be posted on the AASC site shortly after the election, and all voters will be emailed the election results.
Hyun-A C Park ’83, MCP ’85, Chair, Arlington, MA (term ending June 30, 2025)
Elected Members Listed By Ending Term:
June 30, 2025
Kendall Bryan ’88, SM ’89, Seattle, WA
Angie Chatman SM ’88, Dorchester Center, MA
Sharon A. Israel ’86, Houston, TX
June 30, 2026
James S. Banks ’76, San Jose, CA
M. Lily Datta Peyrat ’94, Shaker Heights, OH
Yolanda Lau ’02, Honolulu, HI
Wayne Stargardt ’74, SM ’75, Oak Point, TX
June 30, 2027
Steven C. Carhart ’70, SM ’72, Manchester, MA
Daryl J. Carter MArch ’81, SM ’81, Coto De Caza, CA
Teri Centner ’89, Washington, DC