Tom Schneider's Tool Kit Packing List

updated: 2024Apr16_00:21:21
Program Synopsis Usage Details
README-toolkit.txt WEB PAGE: toolkit.html  
a Place the file into your 'a' directory: usage: a [-cl] [-look] [-r] [-s] [-q] [file]
about Give information about the computer.
usage: about [help | -i]
abs Count the words in the abstract section of a LaTeX paper. usage: abstract [LaTeX tex file] [optional section title]
addfooter Add a footer file to an html file. usage: addfooter [-r] [-s] [.|file1 file2 ...]
alias2ln see the description in the source code  
alt Update the alt tags in html files. usage: alt [-l][-v][-n][-N][-r][-h][-a][-b][-i][-c] [list]
app Open the MacOS application, case is not important usage: app [-l] [MacOS application name]
atc atchange the argument, clear screen each time usage: atc [at change file] [function to do]
atchange WEB PAGE: atchange.html  
atchange.macosx see the description in the source code  
au see the description in the source code  
aw Watch the a directory across the net and transfer files usage: aw [options]
backup Start a Mac OS X backup using the command 'tmutil startbackup'
usage: backup
bar.long see the description in the source code  
bar.sed see the description in the source code  
bar.short see the description in the source code  
bargreater.sed see the description in the source code  
beak see the description in the source code  
beuser Be the user on the designated computer by ssh. usage: beuser [username] [pet computer name]
usage: beuser [first name]
bibtex2pmcid Incorporate PubMedCentral numbers into a BibTeX database file. usage: bibtex2pmcid [input bibtex file]
browse This script opens the default browser to the given url.
usage: browse [url] [browser]
browserurl Set your browser to the given url.
usage: browserurl [url]
bs Produce backspaces to control a terminal display. usage: bs (-n [number]|-s [string]|-p [string]|-w [string])
buffer Put the file into the Mac cut/paste buffer. usage: buffer [file] [top lines to cut] [bottom lines to cut]
buffera see the description in the source code  
buffersay Buffer the phrase into a file in /tmp usage: buffersay [phrase] -g -c
usage: buffersay [phrase] &
buffersaykill buffer say kill: kill any processes still running from buffersay usage: buffersaykill
cache Display or Capture files from browser (Seamonkey, Firefox?) cache. usage: cache [item#] [new name]
usage: cache [-l | -t] [number of files to show]
usage: cache [-h]
usage: cache [-L]
cacheflow see the description in the source code  
cacheget Capture files from browser (Seamonkey, Firefox?) cache.
usage: cacheget [type] [number to get]
cachetype see the description in the source code  
calaround calaround shows the previous, current and next calendar months
WEB PAGE: calaround.html
usage: calaround [integer1 [integer2]]
calc.p calc(input: in, output: out) Pascal program: calc Manual Page
calcline Calculate using calc commands on the command line. usage: calcline [calc commands]
catback [-b] [-r] [-R] [file] [number|date/time] # usage Cat the current backup contents of the file in the current directory to standard output. Backups are stored by TimeMachine in Mac OS X. usage: catback [-v] [-l] [-s] [-m] [-h] [-t] # usage
cave Compare file to previous saved versions. usage: cave [file with version number] [n]
cb see the description in the source code  
checklink Check that the links in the html file are not broken usage: checklink [html file]
checklinks see the description in the source code  
checklinktree see the description in the source code  
checklinkwatch see the description in the source code  
chmodcp chmod copy - copy the permissions of one file to another usage: chmodcp file1 file2
cl Clean Latex: remove all files associated with the LaTeX document usage: cl [LaTeX document] [NOT ...]
clearscreen Clear the screen and the entire scrollback on a Mac OS X Terminal.
usage: clearscreen [optional argument]
clmn Fast column grab from a file.
usage: clmn [column number(s)] [file]
usage: clmn [column number] [file]
cloudmail Microsoft cloud email access is: usage: cloudmail
cls Clear the entire scrollback terminal in Mac OS X.
usage: cls [argument]
color Color a Mac OS X file using the color name or numbers from 0 to 7
usage: color [file] [color number or color]
colorterminal colorterminal [r]
usage: colorterminal [3 integers]
column.p column(input: in, columnp: in, output: out) Pascal program: column Manual Page
cpdir Duplicate (copy) a directory using rsync. usage: cpdir [source directory] [target directory] [-v]
cshrc.toolkit see the description in the source code  
csv2ssv.p csv2ssv(input: in, output: out) Pascal program: csv2ssv Manual Page
curlac This program uses curl to grab a GenBank sequence file.
usage: curlac [accession number]
datetosec see the description in the source code  
dave endif echo usage: dave file_name
daydate see the description in the source code  
dbc Drobbox clear: remove all files from your Dropbox transfer depot usage: dbc
dbl Dropbox list: list files in Dropbox transfer depot. usage: dbl
dbp Dropbox put: transfer file to another computer through your Dropbox transfer depot.
usage: dbp [file]
dbw Dropbox watch: watch for files in your Dropbox transfer depot usage: dbw
delilacompile see the description in the source code  
denplo.p denplo(data: in, denplop: inout, Pascal program: denplo Manual Page
diary Edit the user's diary. usage: diary [-h or -l]
diffall see the description in the source code  
diffdate Give the difference in seconds for the two dates. usage: diffdate [-v] [-s] [tomdate1] [tomdate2]
diffdelila diffdelila finds the differences between the local file usage: diffdelila [file of the delila system] [s] [t]
diffdir diffdir: directory difference usage: diffdir dir1 dir2 [beverbose]
diffint.p diffint(input: in, output: out); Pascal program: diffint Manual Page
diffpdf Compare two pdfs by converting to text and displaying with sd. usage: diffpdf [pdf1] [pdf2] [sdcontrol] [sdcontrol4]
diffps echo Compare two postscript programs usage: diffps [] [] "color1" "color2"
diffsen see the description in the source code  
difi Show differences between a file with a version string such as usage: difi [file with version string] [-expand][-long][-l][-short][-s]
dila difference for LaTeX papers. usage: dila [number or version]
diropen see the description in the source code  
divide Use the standard Unix dc program to divide two numbers. usage: divide [numerator] [denominator] [decimals]
dl dl = droplog usage: dl [--help]
dlr dl remote - transfer email to egg for storage into ~/Log usage: dlr [--help]
doi Without the doi, the NLM DOI converter is opened.
usage: doi [doi string]
doi2bib find the pubmed entry for the doi and return the bibtex
URL: https://
usage: doi2bib [doi string]
dup Find files that have the same name except for capitalization. usage: dup [arg]
dupa see the description in the source code  
dupfolder see the description in the source code  
duppdf Make a duplicate of a PDF in the Trash '$trash'. usage: duppdf [pdf in $trash]
eh see the description in the source code  
em see the description in the source code  
eml Put one's work email address into the cut/paste buffer on macOS. usage: eml [second email]
eqns List the equations in a LaTeX document. usage: eqns [f]
extractfigure Extract the given figure from the LaTeX file. usage: extractfigure [latex file] [figure name]
ezlib Convert url of a journal to ezlib version for access past a paywall.
usage: ezlib [url]
ezproxy NIH journals using login usage: ezproxy
fakewget Simulate wget using curl. usage: fakewget [url]
usage: fakewget -O [file] [url]
usage: fakewget -U Mozilla [file] [url]
fast see the description in the source code  
fastpuma Fast implementaion of puma = fast pull mail usage: fastpuma [number] [source file mail box]
fb Fix the cut/paste buffer
usage: fb [-k] [-l] [buffer number]
fbl fb loop usage: fbl
fbr Remove carriage returns from the cut/paste buffer
usage: fbr [nospaces]
fbt fix buffer title: make title out of buffer and use it to make a directory usage: fbt
fbx see the description in the source code  
feak see the description in the source code  
fig2eps see the description in the source code  
fig2pdf see the description in the source code  
filecolor Convert file color number to a color usage: filecolor [file] [control]
filecolornumber see the description in the source code  
filedate Express the date of a file as a tomdate. usage: filedate [file] [creation]
filedatecompare Compare the dates of the two files. usage: filedatecompare [file1] [file2] [-notime]
filesize see the description in the source code  
findhere see the description in the source code  
fixpdfname Fix PDF name.
usage: fixpdfname
flash see the description in the source code  
fmtdetab see the description in the source code  
fmti see the description in the source code  
focus see the description in the source code  
gef gef: sets up a tcsh script so that usage: gef [name]
genhis.p genhis(data: in, histog: out, genhisp: in, curve: out, output: out) Pascal program: genhis Manual Page
ger Get remote. usage: ger [file]
gerr Get remote remote. usage: gerr [file]
get get [file] [as new file name] usage: get [file]
getp2c see the description in the source code  
goat GOAT means: go 'a' with timing. usage: goat [filehead.type] [Bits per second]
gose Do a google search from the cut/paste buffer or the command line.
usage: gose [search arguments]
goseb see the description in the source code  
gosi Google image search from the cut/paste buffer. usage: gosi
gpcc gpc compile: compile a pascal program using gpc
usage: gpcc [program] [-silent]
gpcc-atchange see the description in the source code  
gpcc-atchange-mac see the description in the source code  
gr see the description in the source code  
grab see the description in the source code  
grabdelila Use wget to grab the public Delila programs from
usage: grabdelila [delila source directory] [binary directory]
grablast see the description in the source code  
grabtoolkit Grab Tom Schneider's Toolkit using wget or curl usage: grabtoolkit [argument]
gw Watch remote transfer directory (~/$xfer) by ssh and transfer files. When a file changes, pick it up and display it. usage: gw [options]
hb Convert cut/paste buffer to pure historic ids. usage: hb
here Find all 'nowhere' pointers to the current directory usage: here [any argument]
usage: here [any argument]
heta heta [-n] [file] heta [file] [ellipsis] heta [file] Show the head and tail of the file usage: heta [-n] [file] [ellipsis] -d
hidetoolbar [directory]: Toggle the toolbar of a file folder open or closed.
usage: hidetoolbar [directory] [loops]
histo Store a file into a 'historic' directory with the date tagged onto it. usage: histo [file to preserve] [tmp]
histowrap Wrap all historic files mentioned in $n into a ${h}.zip file usage: histowrap
html2csv see the description in the source code  
http ** A url (containing "http") in the Mac OSX cut/paste buffer is used to construct a clickable web page. usage: http [file] [any_second_argument]
imgalt.p imgalt(orihtml: in, imgaltp: in, Pascal program: imgalt Manual Page
ip Print IP address for the current machine
URL: http://ip4me
usage: ip
iscard Detect whether there is a card in the card reader. usage: iscard [watch]
ish The name ish stands for: IS this SSH?
usage: ish [any argument]
jl see the description in the source code  
joinlines see the description in the source code  
l The l script runs LaTeX on the paper.tex in the current directory.
usage: l [optional tex file name]
latest Determine if a file is stored in historic and if so usage: latest [file stored in a historic/ directory] [only diffs]
le see the description in the source code  
lfb lfb stands for "Last Fix Buffer". usage: lfb [file] [n]
lico LIbreoffice COnvert. Use LibreOffice to convert a doc file to text.
usage: lico [file] [type] [recursion stop]
listertimestamp Put a time stamp onto a lister map! usage: listertimestamp
lk link NAME to FILE usage: lk [from-name] [to-file] [-hard]
lkdelila Make a soft link to a Delila file. usage: lkdelila [file]
lkpdf Set up a link to a pdf in the pdf directory given in $dotpdf usage: lkpdf [bibtex key name] [-]
lkup lkup: make Delila library links to the directory above usage: lkup [target]
lsd Use ls to find the string in all file and directory names usage: lsd [first string to find] [second string to find]
lss see the description in the source code  
lv see the description in the source code  
maf see the description in the source code  
mamail Display email number from $source in the Mac OS X Mail program. usage: mamail [number/string] [source file mail box]
mannoh Show Unix Manual pages without control-H in vim ("man no H"). usage: mannoh [input file] [processed output file]
usage: mannoh [man page name]
usage: mannoh [section] [man page name]
map Provide google map directions from your home or other usage: map [address]
mapquest Strip out a map from usage: mapquest
medlinebib.p medlinebib(query: in, medlinebibp: inout, bibformat: out, output: out) Pascal program: medlinebib Manual Page
medquery Convert a saved PubMed reference page into BibTeX format usage: medquery [pubmed page OR pubmed ID OR pubmed central ID]
mem Give the memory status of this Mac OS X computer. usage: mem [number]
memory.p memory(input: in, memoryp: in, Pascal program: memory Manual Page
mirror Make file1 be identical to file2. usage: mirror file1 file2 [-v]
missbib Find missing data in bibtex bibliography. usage: missbib [bibtex bbl output file] [optional string]
mkbiglet see the description in the source code  
mkcalc Execute the calc program and produce a program.results file.
usage: mkcalc [program.calc]
mkhistogtt Student's t-test for Mean and SEM of the two histograms. usage: mkhistogtt [histog1] [histog2]
mklink Make a URL link from a string. google calendar Description.
usage: mklink [-h][-v]
mklower see the description in the source code  
mkold see the description in the source code  
mkopenhtml see the description in the source code  
mkp2c see the description in the source code  
mksubbib Make a sub-bibliography. Create a subset of a LaTeX bibliography corresponding just to the references of a LaTeX document. usage: mksubbib [otherbib]
mktalk see the description in the source code  
mktoolkit Build Tom Schneider's Toolkit. This is a toolkit for Unix operating systems consisting of many small components that I find useful.
usage: mktoolkit [any argument]
monthnumber Convert a 3 letter month to a number usage: monthnumber [month as 3 letters] [digits]
mov Move the source directory or file from the source computer usage: mov [source] [target computer]
usage: moveuser [username] [source computer] [target computer]
mtc mtc: convert control M (^M) from Mac OS 9 to cr for Mac OS X usage: mtc macos9 macosX
mulo see the description in the source code  
mvlk Move (i.e. mv) the [from directory] to the [to directory].
usage: mvlk [from directory] [to directory]
myacroread see the description in the source code  
nihcatalyst Opens NIH Catalyst page at $base usage: nihcatalyst
nihrecord Opens NIH record page at the latest edition available from usage: nihrecord [main page]
noblank.p noblank(input: in, out, output: out) Pascal program: noblank Manual Page
noc see the description in the source code  
nohob.p nohob(input: in, output: out) Pascal program: nohob Manual Page
nom see the description in the source code  
nomultiblank.p nomultiblank(input: in, out, output: out) Pascal program: nomultiblank Manual Page
nonow Remove a now link by putting it in /tmp usage: nonow [now link name]
nor Convert control Ms to unix carriage returns usage: nor [input file] [output file name]
nosafelink see the description in the source code  
nostop see the description in the source code  
noswoosh see the description in the source code  
notes Create and maintain a Notes.txt file in the current directory. usage: notes [any argument or -novim]
nowcheck Check that nowhere links work from your ~/now directory.
usage: nowcheck [-a] [-k] [-m #] [-d #] [-f] [-w]
nowhere WEB PAGE: nowhere.html  
nozone Remove the zone and modify the time of the date of an email date line. usage: nozone [-v] [Date: line from an email]
np see the description in the source code  
number.p number(input: in, output: out) Pascal program: number Manual Page
numberfiles Given a set of files in the current directory, usage: numberfiles [-h]
nw see the description in the source code  
o see the description in the source code  
opdf set name = `$pwd | tr '/' '\n'|tail -1`.pdf usage: opdf [optional file]
openwithclear Clear the 'open with' menue on Mac OS X
usage: openwithclear
otm Convert the outlook file to a regular Unix mbox usage: otm [outlook.eml or outlook.mbox]
outlook2mbox Convert an Outlook file to a form readable by mutt usage: outlook2mbox [outlook.mbox or outlook.eml] [clean mbox]
p2crc see the description in the source code  
parent Determine the parent and grandparent of this process usage: parent [optional controls]
part Watch downloading of a partial file to the 'a' directory
usage: part [directory]
patent Locate a patent at $source.
URL: "http://$source/$number.html"
usage: patent [patent number string]
pc Compile Pascal program using Free Pascal for syntax checking usage: pc [pascal program] [keep time/c]
pdf pdf [pdf file] usage: pdf [pdf file] [new name]
pdf2txt convert a PDF to txt in sensible layout usage: pdf2txt [pdf file]
pdfmerge Merge the pdf files into a single pdf file.
usage: pdfmerge [pdf files] [-o output file name]
pdfsplit see the description in the source code  
percent.sed see the description in the source code  
piechart.p piechart(piechartp: in, pienumbers: in, pieps: out, output: out) Pascal program: piechart Manual Page
pmid2pmcid Convert the PubMed ID (PMID) number of a paper from PubMed
usage: pmid2pmcid [PMID] [turn-on-verbose]
pmiddoi Extract a doi url from the pmid at pubmed
usage: pmiddoi [pmid]
pms pms [arg1] [arg2] [arg3] ...
WEB PAGE: pms.html
usage: pms "[string]"
png Collect png in ~/n/a into a png directory usage: png [directory]
png2pdf Join image files from the into a single PDF.
usage: png2pdf: [directory of png images]
pngnamefix $title usage: pngnamefix [any argument to get help]
pobr This script controls the position of an open OS X browser window.
usage: pobr [across1] [down1] [across2] [down2] [url] [browser]
poic Position an object on the macOS desktop.
usage: poic [object on desktop] [Xacross] [Ydown]
pote This script controls the position of open OS X Terminal windows.
usage: pote [across] [down] [[size: acoss] [size: down]]
powi This script controls the position of open OS X finder windows.
usage: powi [across] [down]
program Create a new delila program called 'name.p' usage: program [name]
ps2jpg convert ps to jpg using imagemagick
usage: ps2jpg [optional edge, in pixels] [optional density]
pslocate Locate errors in a PostScript file usage: pslocate [psfile]
usage: pslocate [psfile] [range from]
usage: pslocate [psfile] [range from] [range to]
psv see the description in the source code  
psvi see the description in the source code  
pswrap Wrap ps files into a single figure. usage: pswrap rows cols x0 y0 xshift yshift scale target L ps1 ps2 ...
pubmed Open pubmed URL.
WEB PAGE: pubmed.html
usage: pubmed [PMID or key words or bibtex key]
pullpaper where 'key' is a key for a reference in usage: pullpaper [-r] [key]
pullpmid Locate a PubMed entry by its ID (PMID).
URL: "$PMID&doptcmdl=Abstract"
usage: pullpmid [PMID|file]
pulse echo -n ' [-c]' # clear screen echo -n 'BLAusage: pulse'BLA
puma Select one email message from the source file mail box. usage: puma [number] [source file mail box]
pur Put remote. usage: pur [file]
purr Put remote remote. usage: purr [file]
pwdsilent see the description in the source code  
rb.p rb(input: stdin, output: out) Pascal program: rb Manual Page
rea Use spotlight sl script to locate a pdf and display it usage: rea [pdf name]
reading Set up reading list in DropBox
usage: reading [key name]
usage: reading -paper [LaTeX name]
usage: reading -sync
usage: reading [pdf file]
usage: reading .
usage: reading ,
usage: reading -a
remotesay Say something remotely. If on console, just say it directly. usage: remotesay [-p] [things to say remotely]
replacebib Replace the bibliography calls in a LaTeX document with the bibliography text itself. This is required by PNAS as described in the instructions at
usage: replacebib [source name] [target name]
resetdesktop see the description in the source code  
restore Restore the file from the most recent backup where it is found to the current directory. File permissions, times, owner and group are preserved. The file must not already exist in the current directory. The restore program uses the Mac OS X Time Machine files.
usage: restore [file]
rlog see the description in the source code  
rw rotate wheel: call with an integer state counter that is increasing usage: rw [state counter]
save Save a file/directory into an 'old' directory for backup. usage: save [file] [verbose]
saykey Say the bibtex key in a pronouncable way. usage: saykey [bibtex key]
scpa Transfer the file to a remote directory, put on web. usage: scpa [file | -setup | -c | -l | -d | -test | -q ]
screensaverdetect Determine the application that runs when the screensaver is on. usage: screensaverdetect
sd Side by side diff - sdiff file1 file2
usage: sd [file1] [file2] [any third argument will suppress common lines]
usage: sd [-flags for sdiff] [file1] [file2]
setdelila see the description in the source code  
setreadingpdf Give name of paper you are writing in $reading to display. usage: setreadingpdf
usage: setreadingpdf [paper name]
usage: setreadingpdf [paper name] [maxdisplay]
shell.p shell(afile: in, shellp: in, bfile: out, output: out) Pascal program: shell Manual Page
shellp see the description in the source code  
showimages Show the images in a directory in an html usage: showimages [-p [n]] [html file name]
showpdf Show a PDF or postscript file either locally or across the net. usage: showpdf [-q] [PDF or postscript file] [-l line-number text_file]
shush Whisper the given words. usage: shush [words to whisper]
skimembed Embed PDF with marks from Skim into the PDF file itself.
usage: skimembed [pdf with marks from skim]
skimpage Open the PDF to the given page using the Mac OS X Skim PDF reader. usage: skimpage [pdf] [page]
skop open the PDF with both skim and open simultaneously usage: skop [PDF]
sl Command line equivalent of Spotlight\!\! usage: sl [string - no quotes needed] [optional directory]
# usage: slf [searchstring]
usage: sl [string - no quotes needed]
slideshow [slidelist]: an ascii file containing a list of the image files usage: slideshow [slidelist] [slidelist.html] [image source directory] [...]
sofar Amount of time so far in the time record from the timerecord script usage: sofar [timerecord file]
sore see the description in the source code  
soundvolume see the description in the source code  
speedtest Launch speedtest for connection rate
usage: speedtest [launch browser]
spl use aspell to spell check a file
usage: spl [file/word] [uniq]
splbox splbox opens a browser with a textarea in it.
URL: ""
usage: splbox
splitsen see the description in the source code  
ss see the description in the source code  
sshmax Set the maximum number of sessions allowed in ssh. usage: sshmax [max number of sessions allowed]
ssv2csv Convert a space delimited ascii table to csv form.
usage: ssv2csv [input file name] [output file name]
startlatex Start a LaTeX paper or PowerDot slides. usage: startlatex [-s] [-n] [name]
suntera see the description in the source code  
sunweb see the description in the source code  
syncfiles Grab all files from any computer, put into a specific directory
usage: syncfiles [user@source_computer] [full_directory_path/] [-dry]
tabify.p tabify(input: in, output: out) Pascal program: tabify Manual Page
talo see the description in the source code  
tarbackup see the description in the source code  
tarball Wrap file1 into tarball as file2 usage: tarball [file1] [file2]
usage: tarball file1
tc see the description in the source code  
tcut Pipe any results into tcut and they will be cut to fit usage: tcut [give any argument to get documentation]
test.p test(output: out) Pascal program: test Manual Page
textbox Launch a web page containg a text box for spell checking.
usage: textbox [rows] [columns] [file]
there Use this script to determine if there are links usage: there [links] [short]
timerecord Record how long a program takes to run. usage: timerecord [-b|-e|-3|-1] [optional-date-file]
tmp Move a file or files to /tmp instead of deleting them - it's safer usage: tmp [a file to move to /tmp]
todo edit a TODO file in your home or other directory. usage: todo [.]
usage: todo -v
usage: todo --verbose
tolower # "Shell script to translate upper case letters to lower case" # "usage: tolower < [input.file] > [output.file]"
# "usage: tolower [input.file] [output.file]"
tomdate Give the date and time in strictly decreasing order. usage: tomdate
usage: tomdate [separation character]
usage: tomdate [-help]
usage: tomdate [-h]
usage: tomdate [-d]
usage: tomdate [-u]
usage: tomdate [-s]
tomdateb Put current date and time in tomdate -d format into the cut/paste buffer. usage: tomdateb
tomdatecompare Compare the two dates.
usage: tomdatecompare [date1] [date2] [-notime]
toolkit-packing-slip see the description in the source code  
toolkitcompare Compare the version numbers of toolkit files to the script or usage: toolkitcompare [toolkit] [script] [delila]
topaper Grab the PDF corresponding to a PubMed URL or PubMed ID (PMID).
usage: topaper [pubmed web page url OR pubmedid] [key or number]
topostscript convert a dvi file to PostScript
usage: topostscript document [[firstpage [lastpage]] copies]
toupper # "Shell script to translate lower case letters to upper case" # "usage: toupper < [input.file] > [output.file]"
# "usage: toupper [input.file] [output.file]"
tree Recursively apply the function in to this and deeper directories. usage: tree [function] [any other arguments]
tsize # Set Terminal size and position on Mac OS X
usage: tsize [width height window#]
tt see the description in the source code  
txt2pdf convert the text file to LaTeX, then to pdf
usage: txt2pdf [text file]
u2a unicode2ascii, convert unicode to ascii
usage: u2a [infile] [outfile]
ua see the description in the source code  
ucscdna Grab a chunk of DNA from the UCSC database.
usage: ucscdna [database] [chromosome] [fromrange] [torange]
usage: ucscdna [database] [chromosome:fromrange-torange]
usage: ucscdna [chromosome:fromrange-torange]
usage: ucscdna -c
usage: ucscdna
ud see the description in the source code  
ungooglize Take the google link from the Mac OS X buffer and make it a normal link.
usage: ungooglize [x]
unpacktoolkit Unpack Tom Schneider's toolkit and set it up. usage: unpacktoolkit
unsafelink see the description in the source code  
untarball The tar file name can be like x.tar, x.tar.Z, or x.tar.gz usage: untarball [tar file name]
unwebloc Undo a Mac OS X webloc file into an html file. usage: unwebloc [webloc file list]
unzipper Unzip an entire directory (or file). usage: unzipper [zippered directory]
us see the description in the source code  
usa see the description in the source code  
usfn Un Space File Name: usfn usage: usfn [-h] [-n] [file type]
uu use the uni2ascii program to convert from UTF-8 Unicode to ASCII.
usage: uu [arguments give help]
vc compare version numbers of file1 and file 2 usage: vc [file1] [file2]
vernams Get version name of the file. usage: vernams [file]
vernum.p vernum(input: in, output: out) Pascal program: vernum Manual Page
vernums Get version number of the file. usage: vernums [file]
versave.p versave(input: in, output: out) Pascal program: versave Manual Page
videocast see the description in the source code  
vimrc see the description in the source code  
vims see the description in the source code  
vn Give the version number of the file usage: vn [file]
wayback Find historical versions of a web page using
usage: wayback
usage: wayback [url]
wgetac This program uses wget to grab a GenBank sequence file.
usage: wgetac [accession number]
wgetas The second usage touches the file so its date is set to now usage: wgetas URL filename
usage: wgetas -t URL filename
wgetu see the description in the source code  
widle widle = w idle time usage: widle [any argument for help]
wiki Print brief wikipedia entries for the keywords. Open the default web browser to the wikipedia web page.
usage: wiki [keyword, keyword ...]
worcha.p worcha(fin: in, fout: out, worchap: in, output: out) Pascal program: worcha Manual Page
wp wp: white pages lookup and google lookup of a phone number # usage: wp [phone number with spaces] [any non-digit = add to $w]
usage: wp [phone number with spaces] ['BLAr'BLA = record in $w]
wtch.p wtch(input: in, output: out) Pascal program: wtch Manual Page
xf Transfer files to a transfer directory, for pickup by the gw program on a remote computer. usage: xf [| -c | -l | -q | -w file_name1 file_name2 ... ]
xwbase see the description in the source code  
xwbiff see the description in the source code  
xwclock see the description in the source code  
xwleft see the description in the source code  
xwmid see the description in the source code  
xwright see the description in the source code  
xwtopright see the description in the source code  
xwtoprightclosed see the description in the source code  
xyplo.p xyplo(xyin: in, xyout: out, xyplop: inout, xyplom: in, Pascal program: xyplo Manual Page
yeardecimal Convert a date as "1999 May 9" or a "tomdate" to year and decimal place. A "tomdate" has the form "2011May25_13:06:15". The month can also be a number: "2011 05 25". A fourth optional argument -d means to give the day of the year. usage: yeardecimal [year] [month] [day] [-d]
usage: yeardecimal [tomdate]
yt see the description in the source code  
yturl see the description in the source code  
yus see the description in the source code  
yvp Find article with given year/volume/page in PubMed. If you have a 'browse script that calls a browser, the browser will be made to point to the page. Also, extract the reference in bibtex format.
WEB PAGE: yvp.html
usage: yvp [year] [volume] [page]
usage: yvp [year] [volume] [page] [more keys]
usage: yvp [volume] [page]
# usage: yvp [volume] [page] NOT USED!!
yvpa Find article with given year/volume/page in PubMed usage: yvpa [year] [volume] [page]
usage: yvpa [volume] [page]
usage: yvpa [year] [volume] [page] [another key]
yvpg Guess the reference of a paper from some text and call yvp. usage: yvpg [string] [-]
yvpgt Call yvpg with longest token as another search parameter. usage: yvpgt
yvph Find article with given year/volume/page in PubMed-to create an html file
usage: yvph [year] [volume] [page] > my.html
usage: yvph [volume] [page] > my.html
usage: yvph [year] [volume] [page] [another key] > my.html
yvpk use yvp and a key from a source bibliography file usage: yvpk [key in bibliography]
zerozap Sometimes I paste material to the command line that has '>' usage: zerozap [go]
zipper Zip an entire directory (or file) usage: zipper [directory]
zzz Put the macOS display to sleep (black) but keep the computer running. usage: zzz [-c|-h|[number]

color bar Small icon for Theory of Molecular Machines: physics,
chemistry, biology, molecular biology, evolutionary theory,
genetic engineering, sequence logos, information theory,
electrical engineering, thermodynamics, statistical
mechanics, hypersphere packing, gumball machines, Maxwell's
Daemon, limits of computers

Schneider Lab

origin:    2011 Sep 03
updated: 2024Apr16_00:23:26

color bar