2024 Elected Member

Thank you to all who voted in the 2024 election of a recent graduate to the MIT Corporation. We are pleased to announce the winner of the election.

Anna Waldman-Brown ’11, SM ’18, PhD ’23

Anna Waldman-Brown ’11, SM ’18, PhD ’23

Anna will represent recently graduated alumni on the MIT Corporation, the Institute’s board of trustees. She works as an industrial strategy policy analyst in the Made in America Office, part of the United States Office of Management and Budget. Anna’s experience also includes collaboration with the Fab Lab network, an initiative originating from the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, and advocacy efforts with the MIT Grad Student Union (GSU)/UE Local 256 to help improve graduate student life, health, and safety.

Voting in this election helps to ensure that the alumni most connected to today’s MIT have a voice at the Institute’s highest level of leadership.

More information on the nomination process can be found on the MIT Alumni Association’s website.