Access to ssh by the Web

This page is for gathering information about web access to ssh.

Problem: I am often at the NIH library in building 10 or at other sites and would like to use ssh to connect to my computers in Frederick. At one time telnet (an unsecure method, not to be use) was available, but it is not now. The standard secure access method, ssh, is not available at NIH and. While an ssh program is not difficult to set up because the putty ssh program is easily downloaded, downloading files into a computer is not always allowed.

Solution: All modern computers have access to the web. To gain ssh access through the web one needs a program running on of our computers that gives ssh access. The user would go to the appropriate web page, enter their password and user name and connect through the web page.

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Schneider Lab

origin: 2003 Nov 5
updated: 2003 Nov 6
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