Species Names - spaces or not?

Our page proofs for Nucleic Acids Research were changed according to a journal 'style'. The change was to remove the spaces in species names. So instead of saying 'E. coli' we have 'E.coli' in our paper. While this may seem to be an innocent enough change, it affects searching for terms.

For example, page searches in browsers SeaMonkey and Mozilla (and presumably and Firefox) give different results. Thus PEOPLE WILL NOT FIND THE TEXT IN A PAPER! They will think that 'E. coli' is not mentioned!

Here are web pages that indicate a preference for using a space:

Either I'm ignorant of current standards in scientific nomenclature or this is an inappropriate journal style that will cause problems when people search.

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Schneider Lab

origin:    2006 Dec 14
updated: 2006 Dec 14

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