Electron microscope picture of the Lambda bacteriophage.
 On the left is an icosahedral head and extending to the
right is a ribbed tail that comes a point in the last 6

NIH Lambda Lunch Meetings

From owner-lambda_lunch-l@LIST.NIH.GOV Tue Jun  8 11:09 EDT 1999
Received: from mail.ncifcrf.gov (mail.ncifcrf.gov []) by ncisun1-nf0.ncifcrf.gov (8.8.7/8.7.3) with ESMTP id LAA05737; Tue, 8 Jun 1999 11:09:58 -0400 (EDT)
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Date:         Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:10:21 -0500
Reply-To: susan garges 
Sender: Lambda Lunch Prokaryotic Interest Group
From: susan garges 
Subject:      Lambda Lunch, etc.
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--============_-1283267872==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain;

#6/10/99:  Russell Digate (UMBC/Sch of Pharmacy) "Structure and
mechanistic studies of E. coli type I topoisomerases"

#6/17/99:  Meeting review.

#7/1/99:  Gregor Wegrzyn

#7/29/99:  NO LAMBDA LUNCH

#Regular lambda lunch at 11 AM in Bldg 36, Rm 1B13.

To schedule seminars, contact Susan Gottesman (susang@helix.nih.gov) or
Bob Weisberg (rweisberg@nih.gov).

To join the mailing list, send the following message from the computer
where you usually receive mail to LISTSERV@LIST.NIH.GOV:  SUBSCRIBE
LAMBDA_LUNCH-L your name. Replace "your name" by your first and last
names.  This schedule is also available at

To send messages to members of the list, address them to:
 "LAMBDA_LUNCH-L@LIST.NIH.GOV".  (Please use this facility

     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * Bldg
   6B/Room 308                         Lab:  301-496-3555 6 Center
   Drive, NIH                      Fax:         -0243 Bethesda, MD
   20892-2785                  Office:      -4448 E-mail:

--============_-1283267872==_ma============ Content-Type:
text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"

#6/10/99:  Russell Digate (UMBC/Sch of Pharmacy) "Structure and
mechanistic studies of E. coli type I topoisomerases"

#6/17/99:  Meeting review.

#7/1/99:  Gregor Wegrzyn

#7/29/99:  NO LAMBDA LUNCH

#Regular lambda lunch at 11 AM in Bldg 36, Rm 1B13.

To schedule seminars, contact Susan Gottesman (susang@helix.nih.gov) or
Bob Weisberg (rweisberg@nih.gov).

To join the mailing list, send the following message from the computer
where you usually receive mail to LISTSERV@LIST.NIH.GOV:  SUBSCRIBE
LAMBDA_LUNCH-L your name. Replace "your name" by your first and last
names. This schedule is also available at

To send messages to members of the list, address them to:

 "LAMBDA_LUNCH-L@LIST.NIH.GOV".  (Please use this facility

* * * * * * * * * * Bldg 6B/Room 308 Lab: 301-496-3555 6 Center Drive, NIH Fax: -0243 Bethesda, MD 20892-2785 Office: -4448 E-mail: rweisberg@nih.gov

Previous Meeting Schedules:
(The dates are when the schedule was stored, not when it was announced.)

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Small icon for Theory of Molecular Machines: physics,
chemistry, biology, molecular biology, evolutionary theory,
genetic engineering, sequence logos, information theory,
electrical engineering, thermodynamics, statistical
mechanics, hypersphere packing, gumball machines, Maxwell's
Daemon, limits of computers
Schneider Lab
origin: 1998 March 31
updated: 1998 August 18 color bar